What a day in a preschool looks like

Every preschool has different opening hours and a different schedule during the day. Daily schedule is flexible and adapted to the current program of the class and the children’s needs. Parents have to respect the arrival and pick times unless they have made a different arrangement with the principal and the teachers. Only symptom-free children (no cold, cough or fever) can attend preschool, children who show signs of a sickness cannot join the group settings.

Most preschools dedicate some time in the morning to playing (children can play freely with whatever toys the want), a snack and a guided activity (children work in groups or all together, they complete theme-based activities). Children spend some time outside every day before lunch (they go for a walk or play in the yard or on a playground), it takes approximately 1–2 hours. After that they have lunch and quiet time (small children take a nap, older children do some relaxing activities). In the afternoon children usually play indoors or outdoors depending on the weather.

Model daily schedule in preschool

  • 7:00–8:30 Children arrive, free play and spontaneous activities, individual work with children, crafting.
  • 8:30–9:00 Snack, more free play. Children put away toys.
  • 9:00–10:00 Community circle, conversations with children, short calming exercise. The following activities depend on the current topic
  • e.g. activities that encourage cognitive, musical, artistic, motoric, work competence development in children.
  • 10:00–11:30 Getting ready to go outside, outdoor activities — a walk in the proximity of the school, activities in the school yard, a trip.
  • 11:30–12:30 Getting ready for lunch — personal hygiene, lunch.
  • 12:30–14:00 Getting ready for quiet time, storytime (reading or listening), listening to songs. Older children and children who need less sleep can get up earlier and do some calm activities in the classroom. Children do not have to sleep but they use quiet time according to their individual needs.
  • 14:00–16:30 Snack, games that the children in which the children show interest. Individual and group activities, activities in the yard.
  • 17:00 Preschool closes.