Day care

  • One of the types of child care for preschoolers is day care, which complements public and private preschools and is a paid service. Day care facilities admit children between 6 months old and school age, but individual facilities can define the age range of children they admit. Children can attend day care for at least 6 hours daily.
  • Day care is established by facilities accredited by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. You can find the list of day care facilities HERE.
  • Enrollment usually takes place once a year, the actual dates can be found on the day care website. If you wish to enroll your child during the school year, get in touch with the day care by email or phone and enquire about their availability.
  • Documents necessary for enrolling your child in day care might differ from facility to facility that is why you should enquire about them in the day care of your choice. Generally you will need:
    • Application for admission to day care (available on the day care website or upon request)
    • Medical fitness certificate and proof of completed compulsory vaccination
    • One of the parent’s certificate of employment (confirmed by the employer if the parent is an employee, by Czech Social Security Administration if they work as a freelancer or by the Employment Office in case they are a job applicant registered at the Employment office)
    • Child’s birth certificate

In Prague you can use the services of the Center for Preschool Children. You can find a list of these centers HERE. The specific details of admittance are defined by individual centers.