Children borrow books from the school at no cost. Children take their books home and bring the books necessary for each class to school every day depending on their schedule. If children have some medical issues which disable them from bringing books to school, they can get a recommendation from their doctor. In this case, they have one set of books at home and another one at school. Sometimes children might need to buy their own books for certain classes. Parents pay for or buy workbooks.
Parents buy school supplies and notebooks. Each teacher provides a list of notebooks and notebook covers necessary for their class. These lists include the number and type of notebooks (using abbreviations) children are supposed to purchase. You can buy notebooks and notebook cover in the stationary section of almost any supermarket. Parents also buy pencil cases and basic writing utensils for their children.
Additionally, it is necessary to purchase some supplies for certain classes. For example children usually need to bring geometry drawing supplies (ruler, drawing compass, pencils, protractor) for math class and art supplies (80g paper sketchpad, 180–220g paper sketchpad, brushes, paints, scissors, glue…) for art class. Children usually buy these supplies themselves and bring them to school. Some schools might collect money from children to buy these supplies for them.