Payments at school

  • Primary school education is free in the Czech Republic. It does not mean that parents do not have to pay for school at all. Children attend various extracurricular events (such as movie theatre, theatre, swimming pool, museum) and go on field trips, school retreats, skiing trips etc. during the school year. They also need supplies for different classes (including workbooks in some cases). These expenses are usually covered by the child’s family. Some schools collect money into a class budget or receive contributions from a Parent Teacher Association (=associations which are created around primary schools and preschools).
  • Families who cannot afford paying for some or all of these expenses can in justified cases ask the principal for a payment plan or apply for exemption from these fees. Some schools are a part of a program that provides lunch at no cost for children from families with a lower socioeconomic status. The fee waiver or reduction is granted by the school principal.