
  • Snacks — in the Czech Republic children bring their own snack and beverages to school, the school does not provide snacks. Certain schools might be a part of a program which supports healthy eating and therefore they might give out for example fresh fruit, yogurt, or beverages. In some schools there is a café or a vending machines where children can buy snacks.
  • Lunch — children can have lunch in the school cafeteria. Parents pay for school lunch in advance online or in the school cafeteria office. If your child does not come to school you need to cancel your lunch. Parents are supposed to inform the cafeteria about any dietary restrictions or food allergies. Parents can apply for exemption from lunch fees. Under the Schools Act, a fee waiver or reduction is granted by the school principal without further restrictions. They might consider any information they become aware of relevant to the situation of the particular child and the legal guardians, including general humanitarian reasons. It is also possible to reach out to WOMEN FOR WOMEN nonprofit organization and apply to be part of their “Lunches for Children” program (or some other similar program) or to get a contribution from a sponsor or establisher.